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Antonio Savini

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Production / All the major economies are expanding

Packaging production in the EU 27 over the first six months increased by 9.5% compared to the same period the year before

Antonio Savini

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In the first six-months of 2021 Italian packaging production rose by 15.3% compared to the same period in 2020. Specific to the month of June, growth was 13.3%. While this is a positive figure, it needs to be put into perspective. June 2020, in fact, was the fourth month of lockdown and disorder in the customary channels of packaging production and marketing. It is more helpful to compare the data with that of the even previous year. In contrast with June 2019, Italian packaging production grew by 5.2% in confirmation of its positive trend.
Packaging Production in UE first half year 202
The Italian packaging production index is the result of the average in the dynamics of the various segments. Going into more detail, the production of metal and wood packaging is situated at levels of activity still lower than those pre-crisis of June 2019 (respectively (-5.8% and -4.6%). In contrast, the paper, cardboard and plastic packaging segments are dynamic and recorded increases of 8.4% and 7.4% compared to two years earlier.

In the international context, packaging production in the EU 27 over the first six months increased by 9.5% compared to the same period the year before. All the major economies are expanding, but Italy is the one noting the most positive dynamic, followed in order by Spain (11.1%), France (+7.8%) and Germany (+6.5%).