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Searious Business is a social enterprise founded to prevent plastic pollution, an effort involving systemic change and an acceleration towards circular plastic use. With a mission to achieve zero-plastic waste, they believe reusable packaging has a vital role to play.
Customers, with their increasing care for the environment, should not be offered single-use plastic, but rather durable, customised packaging that can be used over and over. Searious Business envisages a model in which brand owners view packaging as an asset and not trash.
Searious Business is helping several major brands in Europe and three Moroccan supermarket chains to switch from single-use to reusable containers. For example, deli-counter customers are encouraged to opt for a reusable container that creates zero waste. They pay a small deposit for the container, and on return, the containers are washed and reused. Supermarkets can use the container over 500 times and recover their investment costs after only 8 months.