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Dosing Machine

Editorial Staff

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IT Dosatrice - UK Dosing machine - F Doseuse; dispositif de dosage – D Dosierer - E Dosificadora; dispositivo de dosificación

Automatic, semi-automatic or manual machine that measures the quantity of a product to be packaged. Technologies differ according to the type of product.

Dosing machines for fluid or paste products:

  • Gravity: when a container arrives at the filling point, a valve opens and the product flows out and into the container until the level reaches the lower end of the vent tube that allows air to exit the container as it is being filled. This type of filling can also be carried out in a vacuum (for wine and alcoholic beverages) or under pressure (for carbonated beverages)
  • Constant Level Filling: the product flows into the container through a tube that is located at the desired fill level. When the contents reaches the end of the filling tube, the flow is interrupted
  • Volumetric: by moving upwards, a piston draws product into a cylinder from a tank; the valve then rotates so that the liquid can flow into the container volume in a premeasured volume;
  • Time fill: liquid is delivered under pressure for a controlled length of time

Dosing machines for dry products:

  • Volumetric: a piston rises and draws the product into a cylinder of pre-defined volume and then pumps the contents into the container
  • Weight: employs weight cells and buckets connected to a scale
  • Counting: perforated disc, blade or chute counters or electronic-eye counting