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GPP Green Public Procurement

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IT Acquisti Verdi della Pubblica Amministrazione (GPP) UK Green Public Procurement (GPP) - F Marchés publics écologiques (GPP) – D Grüne Einkäufs Märkte der öffentlichen Verwaltung (GPP) – E Plan de Contratación Pública Verde de la Administración General del Estado (GPP)

According to the definition given by the European Commission, this is the “approach by which public authorities integrate environmental criteria into all stages of their procurement process, thus encouraging the spread of environmental technologies and the development of environmentally sound products, by seeking and choosing outcomes and solutions that have the least possible impact on the environment throughout their whole life-cycle.” The public authorities undertaking GPP efforts are committed to both rationalizing purchases and consumption as well as increasing the environmental quality of their supplies, for example giving precedence to recyclable products and/or products produced with recycled materials, products not containing harmful substances, with a longer life cycle, with less volume, and resulting from production processes with a reduced environmental impact.

Secondo la definizione data dalla Commissione Europea è "l’approccio in base al quale le amministrazioni pubbliche integrano i criteri ambientali in tutte le fasi del processo di acquisto, incoraggiando la diffusione di tecnologie ambientali e lo sviluppo di prodotti validi sotto il profilo ambientale, attraverso la ricerca e la scelta dei risultati e delle soluzioni che hanno il minore impatto possibile sull’ambiente lungo l’intero ciclo di vita”. Le autorità pubbliche che intraprendono azioni di GPP si impegnano sia a razionalizzare acquisti e consumi sia ad incrementare la qualità ambientale delle proprie forniture, ad esempio dando la precedenza a prodotti riciclabili e/o realizzati con materiale riciclato, privi di sostanze nocive, di maggior durata, meno voluminosi, provenienti da processi produttivi con un impatto ambientale più ridotto.

According to the definition given by the European Commission, this is the “approach by which public authorities integrate environmental criteria into all stages of their procurement process, thus encouraging the spread of environmental technologies and the development of environmentally sound products, by seeking and choosing outcomes and solutions that have the least possible impact on the environment throughout their whole life-cycle.” The public authorities undertaking GPP efforts are committed to both rationalizing purchases and consumption as well as increasing the environmental quality of their supplies, for example giving precedence to recyclable products and/or products produced with recycled materials, products not containing harmful substances, with a longer life cycle, with less volume, and resulting from production processes with a reduced environmental impact.