La rivista online sull'eco-packaging |Abbònati al bimestrale

Luca Maria De Nardo

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New compostable paper laminate

Luca Maria De Nardo

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Heim-kompostierbares Papierlaminat für flexible Verpackungen / Home-compostable paper laminate for flexible packaging

BASF and the Swedish packaging manufacturer BillerudKorsnäs have cooperated to develop a home-compostable paper laminate for flexible packaging. The multi-layer film consists of three basic components: BillerudKorsnäs‘ paper, a sealing layer made of BASF’s certified home compostable and partly bio-based biopolymer and BASF’s water-based adhesive which joins the film to the paper. It can be used to produce wraps with individually adjusted barrier properties, e.g. for cookies, cereal bars and dairy items. All components are certified home-compostable according to official European certification schemes for home-composting.